The Long & Short of it. . .

Swimming with the big fish
April 14, 2010, 6:00 am
Filed under: Godly Living | Tags: , , ,

Well, I got my feet wet by wading in and didn’t sink! It was somewhat nerve-wracking for me when I got up and poured myself a cup of coffee. I kept finding something else to do to keep from grabbing up my iPod Touch or set down at the computer. I was afraid what I might find. Of course, I’m always that way – not a lot of self-confidence. Something I am trying to work on – daily.

I guess I never thought that complete strangers would read what I wrote plus leave a comment! Everyone was so kind and gracious.

Why do I want to write? I believe that if I can share insights into how God is leading me and how I am learning to apply His word to my life, well maybe, just maybe I can say something that will give someone else some hope for their lives.

I enjoy studying the Bible and have found Kay Arthur and the Precepts method of studying to be quite satisfying. The verse that helped me to desire more of what God has to offer and wanting to understand why we can’t take the Bible literally is found in 2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

I took this verse seriously and have found that it is very rewarding being able to understand God’s word better and apply it to my life. There is so much more to God’s word than people realize.

I am so grateful to several people I have discovered who are true bloggers and writers. Their writings have been an inspiration to me as well as entertaining.

I’m able to contribute in a world of words with people who are very interesting and, even though they don’t realize it, have wisdom that I can think about and learn from. Just imagine how our world could change if more people lived their lives at a slower pace and truly paid attention to what others have to say.

Yes, I got to swim with the “big fish” and I’m hoping to do it again! The Long & Short of it? If we don’t try, we will never know if we can succeed.

4 Comments so far
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Absolutely- we each do our part and it’s amazing how it reaches various and diverse groups of people. If we’re faithful to be honest and share, God uses our offerings for something beautiful.

Great job, Linda -I know many will be touched as you live out this purpose here…

Comment by jasonS

I know many will be touched as you live out this purpose here…
From your lips to God’s ears Jason. That is my prayer, just as it is when I upload my pastor’s sermons for anyone, anywhere to access and listen to, maybe even share with their friends and family.

Thank you for your encouragment and comments. God knows I need all the help I can get, even if it possibly bruises my ego.

Comment by grammylinda

We all have something to give to the body and I’m sure you have a wealth of insight (from what I’ve read already)to share to His glory.
Be Blessed!

Comment by Jay Cookingham

Good post. my fav so far. I love how you share your heart on these Linda. It definitely makes it more believable and makes people more likely to relate as well as read again! Sharing your knowledge is a great way to get people involved and comment (in case you haven’t noticed.) Sharing opinions and opening up topics for discussion is also another way to get lots of comments.

i think you were definitely designed to do this Linda. God has given you an amazing heart and good knowledge to share. you are going to make a difference in people’s lives Linda. Keep up God’s handiwork!

Comment by Joy hollenbeak

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