The Long & Short of it. . .

I am woman, hear me sigh.
April 15, 2010, 1:43 pm
Filed under: Godly Living

With all the reading I enjoy, sometimes it is quite difficult to get my 60’s brain around the verbage of instructions set up as “helps” .  I wish to improve the looks and add to my blog page(s).

Don’t count me out just yet. I love technology, but I didn’t take that class in high school, didn’t go to college.  I got here by the sheer determination of wanting to know more about computers and the internet.

If you have tips or knowledge to share with this grammy-geek-wanna-be, I’m sure I could fall at your feet in gratitude!  Or bake you a cake.

Thank you for being patient with me. Now, it’s time to go play with the younger set and see what I can learn on Xbox Live with the grandsons!