The Long & Short of it. . .

I am woman, hear me sigh.
April 15, 2010, 1:43 pm
Filed under: Godly Living

With all the reading I enjoy, sometimes it is quite difficult to get my 60’s brain around the verbage of instructions set up as “helps” .  I wish to improve the looks and add to my blog page(s).

Don’t count me out just yet. I love technology, but I didn’t take that class in high school, didn’t go to college.  I got here by the sheer determination of wanting to know more about computers and the internet.

If you have tips or knowledge to share with this grammy-geek-wanna-be, I’m sure I could fall at your feet in gratitude!  Or bake you a cake.

Thank you for being patient with me. Now, it’s time to go play with the younger set and see what I can learn on Xbox Live with the grandsons!

2 Comments so far
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I wanted your blog address because I hadn’t subscribed yet- all done with that now! 🙂

Determination will definitely carry you a long way. If there’s something I can help with, I would be glad to as well though I’m not very familiar with the wordpress environment…

Comment by jasonS

love the title. It’s creative and makes me want to read what you wrote. I like your style of writing as well, you dis on yourself, but only on things that are funny and true. it definitely keeps my attention.

It is kind of hard to follow what you are trying to say. For me at least… maybe it has to do with Bethany crying! 😉 Just seems a little choppy, or maybe I am too busy laughing to understand what your point is… All in all, I like it a lot. Keep posting baby!

Comment by Joy hollenbeak

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