The Long & Short of it. . .

My Life in God’s Hands
April 19, 2010, 4:19 pm
Filed under: Godly Living | Tags: , , ,

God has had me on a most exciting journey since truly re-dedicating my life to Jesus Christ on January 20, 2000.  He has helped me many times and each time I was going through that deep, dark valley, there has been a Bible verse that God has given me to cling to.  I didn’t realize it until last year just before my mom went home to be with the Lord.  At that time I was asked to give my testimony at one of our women’s functions at church.  I agonized over it for 2 weeks, not hearing what God was telling me.  I finally listened and He gave me the scriptures that I clung to during each “stretching” point in my life.  I am ever so grateful for His guidance and His love.  And now I give you:

My Life in God’s Hands

I gave my heart to Jesus Christ just a few months before I turned 11 years old in 1959.  I didn’t understand just what was going on, but I felt something/someone tugging on my heart strings.  It felt right walking forward to the altar with a family friend that morning at church.

John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

 That was the first Bible verse I memorized and it was the reason I felt, believed, that what I had done was right.  I don’t remember if I was told anything about the commitment I was making; I know that there was no talking about it or explanations, or any teaching on that commitment at home.  I just knew in my heart that something different happened and it changed me – inside and out.

My family and I continued going to church for a few more years and then we just quit going.  I remember I would lay on my bed and try reading the Bible many times growing up, but it seemed useless because I couldn’t understand what I was reading, but there was still some feeling that I deemed the Bible to be very special.

Fast forward to the year 1984.  I was in my second marriage with 2 daughters – one from each marriage.  Life went to hell in a hand basket.  My husband, Tom,  had lied and was unfaithful to me and to God.  My oldest daughter fell apart and became quite rebellious and chose to go live with my parents.  I was left at home with a 9 year old who was happiest having homemade cheeseburgers for dinner every day and going out to play with her neighborhood friends.

I cried day and night.  I even cried out to God.  At that time I hadn’t been in church since the early sixties.  After a few days I was able to start writing my prayers to God about how I felt, how I wanted Him to “fix” my husband and bring my family back together.  My parents were no help, but that’s another story.

When I would go to bed, I would grab my Bible and reading in the New Testament I believe God gave me His word – 1 Corinthians 10:13 – No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.

I would read it over and over, night after night and then it came to me that God knew I was strong enough to go thru this upheaval in my life and He was going to help me get through it! Now, I hadn’t had any kind of teaching or training from the Bible, but in my heart I was very serious.  I knew God was going to help me and I knew He was the One I needed in my life.

My daughter and I lived alone while Tom lived in the camper at a friend’s house downtown.  We were all getting counseling, plus Tom was getting spiritual counseling and after 9 long months we felt it was time to become a family again.

That was a big time in my life when I saw God work in my life.  Tom and I decided to start going to church where he was in counseling and life was feeling so much better having God in my life!  That lasted a few years, until. . . . .

To be continued in the second installment of “My Life in God’s Hands”.